Hotel Líbere Madrid Palacio Real - Madrid - Madrid

+2 Bilder

Alle Angebote und Informationen zum Líbere Madrid Palacio Real

With a stay at Libere Madrid Palacio Real, you''ll be centrally located in Madrid, steps from Teatro Real, plaza del sol and Palacio real and plaza Mayor.

Ausstattung der Anlage: With a stay at Libere Madrid Palacio Real, you''ll be centrally located in Madrid, steps from Teatro Real, plaza del sol and Palacio real and plaza Mayor, close to restaurants and bars.

Hotel facilities include Virtual Reception 24/7 (your phone is your key), Wi-Fi and Air conditioning at common areas.

All rooms are equipped with A/C, TV, Wi-Fi, Kitchenette with fridge and Microwave.
**Infant/children till 3 years will sleep in a COT.**

** There is NO cleaning for stays less than 7 days.
For Stays 7 days or more; cleaning once a week with change of towels and sheets.
There is a cleaning service with extra charge (every 3 days).

**Important: There is no reception, you can do it in the Kiosk that you will find in the hall. Once there, click on “Check-in” and then on “Completing data”. Once completed, click on save and continue. Sign the document of conditions and click again to save and continue. Once this is done, you will have completed your check-in.
This process must be repeated as many times as people are going to stay, except those under 14 years old.
Once you have everything completed, you will receive your apartment number and your PIN code, no keys or
cards are needed, everything is automated.

Address: C/ Travesia de los Trujillo, 3,
Madrid, 28013 Spain.

Wichtiger Hinweis: Bei planmäßiger Ankunft im Zielgebiet ab 04:00 Uhr morgens steht das Hotelzimmer am Ankunftstag erst ab der offiziellen Check-In-Zeit des jeweiligen Hotels zur Verfügung. Ebenso ist die offizielle Check-Out-Zeit des Hotels am Tag der Abreise einzuhalten. Dies schließt Rückflüge bis 3:00 Uhr am Folgetag ein. Früh-Check-In bzw. Spät-Check-Out können je nach Verfügbarkeit und gegen einen Aufpreis über unser Service Team hinzugebucht werden.